I’ve got this movie idea

I’ve got this movie idea. I may as well tell you about it as anything else because if nothing else it is about the ingredients of a good movie.

Part of it though has nothing to do with anything but my need for a workable site specific script, something that works where I am. The Director who told me that all great movies, or what you would identify as even distinct about American Movies, is that they are "A Quest". Pennabaker, the documentarian even says that musicians are basically available. This is something I first noticed when I was running the College Channel.

Chapel Hill has a pretty interesting music scene, so a film using bands and band personalities of the area works in a site specific sort of way.

The band, "Quest" for "Fame", or "Rise" and "Fall" sorts of stories have been and will be done, but I’m thinking of a film where the Quest is undertaken on the part of some thirteen year old kid, to become a Booking Agent Manager Producer.

I’m thinking that I’d need to run film tests to find the right kid, since some people are alot more watchable than others.

Earl Carter, a man who I owe much, told me that the rules were that you took your character and put them in progressively more difficult and dangerous positions that they had to get out of.

Youth is an inherent difficulty for everyone. Age has its difficulties as well, but they are unique each to the other.

At any rate in that scenario, the difficulty to overcome in the story of the individual quest is instantly obvious, and facilitates participation by a good number of bands.

It is a nice little idea in my opinion. It just needs a script, which is why I hardly care whether or not I write about it here.

I thought about it when we went to the dump today. The Orange County Chapel Hill Dump is one of the nicest Dumps I have ever been too. The DumpMasters wear orange.

They are not particularly high in the personality department, but they keep a nice dump. I’d like to go out there at night and light the methane vent pipes and take a picture.

Soon Nancy Alex and I will have the price that Xerox charges for one of their instant publishing machines. Transcendians are encouraged to print out onto paper the Transcendian writings. There are strange order forms in there that will likely not be used unless they lay around on paper.

I’d like to have the contract to print those things that finally had to be printed on some medium for use in outerspace when nothing else might be working. I suspect that certain information about the spacecraft ought to be on something better than paper made from wood, but I could be wrong.

What on the Moon or Mars would you make anything like paper from? I suppose mankind ought to at least leave operating instructions for aliens in case they can’t figure out how to turn on our computers when we are extinct.

The life of paper seems so fragile to me, I’ve lost three libraries in my life. My wife has many of the books I missed. She had one of her libraries blown out to sea from SouthPort, and said the insurance company gave her less to replace them because she admitted she had read them.

For her this gave them value, but to the insurance company it took it away. Ironic isn’t it?

The guys I’ve been working with have let me just listen to NPR all day for the past couple of days. From the information I’m getting there, I’d about say I’m more and more correct about the role the United Nations ought to play in the Middle East.

This is of course if there is no surfeit of corruption in a powerful United Nations. Certainly even in the manner I envision Transcendia, I cannot see how one nation can claim that region. Like every other nation, I suppose my people would want a part of it, but what else is there to do?

When? At what other time? Has it less been needed, that That The United Nations Peacekeeping Force be a Force?

For the United States there has come a time to even desire a greater power than itself.

I wish I understood the United Nations better actually.

I found the website somehow impenetrable.

I wonder how corrupt the United Nations is as it is right now?

Russell Scott Day

The 1st of April

The 1st of April/2002

I think I was showing affinity for Australia when I declared April Fools the first Transcendian Holiday. It is a holiday for heartbreak, that part of life that feels like a joke, a joke you have cried about.

 Australia has a Holiday for a defeat, Gallipoli.

 It is what makes them like Southerners from the Confederacy.


Well the point is that we’ve all got to be losers every now and then.

All day long I listened to the radio about world events which are Israel and the War on Terror.

We cut a shower and a bathtub out of a modular home because the owners want new bathing facilities.

All over the world people want better bathing facilities.

I hope they get them.

My heart was somewhere else.

I was surprised that I wanted to be home.

I had been home enough I thought.

I’m home now.

"Value your life."


Trends / Dictated Directions / The Meaning of April Fools

Trends / Dictated Directions / The Meaning of April Fools

Foolish in the Morning

Foolish at Night

Foolish Foolish Foolish

It just ain’t right.

I hate to admit it, but if I was a robot, I would not reprogram myself.

But then again this is a simple way for me to say I love my ancestor, and am glad I was made the way I was. Whatever it is in me that they don’t like, is likely something I ought to love, unless it is crippling in the way that it prevents me from achieving my destiny.

I do not necessarily get better information than anyone else, reading the New Yorker, or New York Times. It is funny how in the city you read the Post or Daily News to see pictures of people you really know.

I listen to the radio, NPR mostly, though I don’t send them money thinking that they should hire me and just having some sort of limits.

The excitement of the attacks, and its requirements has faded in emotional level to the same as the Cold War reality that I lived with day in and day out like everyone else. The War on Terrorism becomes the simple continuation of that mental landscape, and also I was warned when I read Classic Readings in International Relations, (must reading for Transcendians)

I am trying to understand the dictates of the trends that are my life both locally and globally. Locally things are fine, wonderful in fact. I’m not depressed. I hardly care what job I am doing I like Chapel Hill so much. If I could just fly into New York on a regular basis, things would be in fact, about perfect.

Since I miss the City.

I watched Death Trip Films by J Kern with Lydia Lunch and Karen Findley from 1985 yesterday I missed the city so much. The difference between Art and Entertainment became clear again since all the slick movies we see by accident, just there, are mostly just mere entertainment that it is often just a waste of our life’s time to watch.

Wasted time is what I most often feel the most shame and quilt over. I must have gotten depressed in Greensboro because so much of my time even well spent seemed wasted.

I’d need to be in New York to create The United Nations Channel, and bring that into the positive trend of the mental landscape that is C-Span. A couple of days ago I watched a panel of speakers hosted by Equity International with representatives of Volga-Dnepr Airlines, Knightsbridge International, The US Agency for International Development, and The Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

If I got every Transcendian to buy arms and declare they were our army I ought to get millions from Ross Wherry of the Agency for International Development. The sad thing is that is the way it works. -That is one very certain long-term trend that only emotion moving vision will triumph over. It would be a triumph then if the US Agency for International Development would give Transcendia just a little bit of aid. Seems like 50 million dollars would be equitable in light of what nations are getting these days.

Funny for me to remember that it costs often more than 50 million dollars to make a good movie.

Well with 50 million dollars I’d spend a quarter on securing airfields and seaplane facilities, a quarter on flight schools, and that would leave half for other required bits of civilization. I’d rather have no standing army, but just arm everyone with what they need in a dangerous world. I can see a highly developed non lethal program.

I’m trying to get some other writers for Transcendia.org, besides myself. In an ideal world print magazine editors would dip into Transcendia.org and buy articles as they need. I’ve suggested it to several editors, without success so far, but the realities of reading and publishing require continued real magazines and books for the simple way they operate in the world want desperately some Pilot writers, and some sociologist submariner astronaut poets, a filmmaker or two, and fiction.

A satellite linked computer book would have the advantage of language translation programs as well as pictograph for the illiterate. Soon I’ll get the price on the most perfect Xerox instant publishing machines that I plan to place in all the airport newsstands.

April Fools is the first Transcendian Holiday, and if nothing else you do as a Transcendian say the April Fools Day Poem out loud. The history of that holiday is one of love and sex and passion.

I made a real fool of myself by being way too idealistic. I ended up crying a good deal. It made me stronger I sometimes think, saying that having your heart broken and living through it is somehow necessary for becoming a man. Certainly how one handles heartbreak is one measure of how much one is a gentleman or a lady.

Other times I don’t think the experiences made me stronger at all, only a bit wiser.

Celebrate April Fools with some party of forgiveness for yourself.

Imagine tribes of Right Brain and Left Brains segregated on Mars Until Alien Treats have a Computer bring them together to defeat the common threat.

Russell Scott Day

I can’t spell well

I can’t spell well.

Consider that a poem related to some meaning.

We went to see Laurie Anderson. She is tired and happiness is not a good name for her tour. I wished that Heather had been there with her to help her, but they would have needed me to direct and that is not in their concepts of themselves.

The West Side Highway is a miracle of motors that run at idle for so long without air that if they were airplanes they would blow up.

Right brain

Left brain


the borders between Mexico

Canada, and someplace I live

Betray status under the lights of a lens.

Every friend you have that is a cop

will tell you the truth

They are like garbage men

Protect yourself.

Claim the right to protect yourself

Lawyers with no badges

Suits that sort of fit.

Carry the goals for your private parts

Early in the morning

Go hunting gathering and fooling around.

Save yourself from the television.

Write your own lies.


Short story that illustrates the solution.

Once my dog, and my friends dog, got into a fight.

I picked up both dogs, and held them face to face, unable to fight.

When I saw in their eyes a shared understanding of their predicament, I threw them apart, and they fought no more after landing.

Such is the only solution, and what it means is that the United Nations must step in and throw the dogs apart, and take over governance, of the region.

No other solution offers any hope really. In America now, it is the American Civil War, and its resolution that offers hope. What that resolution points to is a replication internationally of the states relationship to the federal government in the United Nations.

What is called "radical" is often only a practical solution that is too far from past beliefs. It is the philosophy of William James and the Method of Pragmatism that our leaders domestically, and internationally need to turn to now.

Russell Scott Day

There are several ways to do things among friends

There are several ways to do things among friends.

 There is the quick and dirty method that is a swirl of wills and has an element of risk that tends to produce some damage, impotent and there is the safe method that employs the experienced in combination with the perfect tools.

In the case of the inexperienced who are coupled with the perfect tools, adiposity things will possibly be less dangerous, try but the combination is likely equal in danger.

Experienced people using fine tools lead by clearly defined vision will cause a greater experience for the inexperienced which is what we all are until we are dead which is the end of inexperience around here.

The website Transcendia.org has been inagurated and an application for citizenship in Transcendia is my next assignment. In the past only people I knew personally got Transcendian Passports.

Well I did send one to Clinton, but at least my brother-in-law knew him.

Mark4:1-20. "Let anyone with ears to hear listen!" Reading for the day.

Russell Scott Day /Founder of Transcendia

Radio Program about Pedophiles in the Clergy of the Catholic Church

Listened to a Radio Program about Pedophiles in the Clergy of the Catholic Church.

I end up thinking that the Catholics ought to become Episcopalians since Episcopalians are really repaired Catholics. Or better said, purchase a repair of Catholithism which was accomplished in 1523 or 36, sickness anyway a good long time ago.

I am saying this in relation to the empiracal evidence of sexual misconduct by similar groups organized in similar ways with similar rituals and even hymns.

These anguished testimonials best heard facelessly over the radio about sex between young boys and priests expose something that must be fixed because their history has perpetuated the sexual orientation within that culture, store the culture of the Catholic Church.

How it is that someone would become a pedophile has to be recognized as the pivotal question.

 What is done, perpetuates what is done.

 From my own sexual history, remembered development through both desire, innocent curiosity and its loss turned into knowledge respect awe and a pivot point of my life and its expression, I have the belief that within the culture of the Catholic Church, because Clergy in the past have created people like themselves though these sexual practices which are terrible because of their place as secrets that scar the psyche if not the soul.

A child must be able to share their sexual stories with their peers.

 Overall there is a grind to having to keep secrets.

 Parents or adults know that they are betraying their position when they burden children with secrets. Children have enough to do with keeping their own secrets and to put them through the twisted and lonely repetitive carriage of a secret that Clergy sexual abuse seems to be, is only to be diminished if its causes are removed from the culture as apparently they were in the Episcopal culture.

So what is it that I am saying?

 I am saying that a structure has effects and that when you compare the Catholic Church with The Episcopal Church it would imply that if Catholicism wants to diminish the forces within its culture that in a physics like, cause and effect manner, clearly set the stage at the very least, for incidents of the betrayal of innocents, and innocence, the Episcopal stands on marriage of Priests are superior for the sexual culture of that denomination, over Catholicism.


Scattered Thoughts/dubious value

St. Patricks Day I see.

I’m still thinking about last weeks sermon and the reading for the day is "Jesus Wept." folks, I see when I look it up which is a good bit quicker to do than throw the I Ching. This is the best I can do so far this Sunday. Paula Poundstone has been on the TV this morning which has made me think about television, my life as a standup comic in the past, and whether or not I was a good actor.

There are some commercials I want to make. Did I ever tell you that some people are commercials, and some features? I like to make historical commercials and my Grandmothers Sears Television is still working pretty damn well.

Because I have determined that Sea Plane Technology and Operational Systems are vital for the Advancement of Transcendia, I looked up Sea Planes and got taken to Kenmore Air Seaplanes out of Seattle that flys all over the Pacific it seems, and up into the mountains of BC. I wrote them such a long letter trying to get them to advertise on Transcendia.org that I didn’t file my column, so I hope the work wasn’t a waste.

The Seaplane operation and history of Kenmore leaps out as a terriffic setting for a Television Series. Certain settings and professions lend themselves to Drama, some quintessential matter of life which is intimately related to death, and planes go down and people die.

Other jobs lend themselves to comedy. Comedians don’t seem to really have jobs, they just suffer hotel rooms or grocery stores or stupidity. The Trades aren’t much represented. Carpentry shows are so serious and informative no wonder Tim Allen made such a fortune. Carpentry by thirteen year olds, or a teenage Junkyard Wars team would be a gas for me to watch.

Well after I cry I start to feel better whenever it comes to that.

This is my Sermon so far.

I wish you could make everyone laugh. Who is the Comic for the United Nations?

Some shows are more important than other shows. Obviously the News is more important than Baywatch. Somehow at least for me I have avoided drowning without ever watching one episode. Some shows are part of the Intellectual Imperative owed by professionals. Professionals get angry when they are prevented from doing a perfect job. Such so that they are sometimes murdered as was Daniel Pearl.

To my mind a show of international standups is an Intellectual Imperative that must quickly be Produced and put on international airwaves because we need to understand each other and I just can’t yet grasp some cultures humor.

Good cheap train service from Asheville to Wilmington would rack up the Film Business now that I am thinking of the new studio in Asheville North Carolina, Blue Ridge Motion Pictures. Maybe I can get a three picture deal if they are a real studio with money to pay writers. Pylon/Jet Beach/and King of Dreams would be the three pictures I’d want to make. Or I could do Force of Nature somewhere in there. The only one of them set in North Carolina is Force of Nature. And I keep thinking of Grover and how he and Carl argue over whether or not to buy a Spartan Executive or a DC 3 and end up selling all the trucks for both.

Last I heard now Cold Mountain was either in Europe or Vermont or maybe a very little bit in Asheville, though for some reason I doubt it. If I was a gay film director I don’t know if I would want to come to North Carolina to make a film. I seem to think that the chosen Director is gay, which really is only inferance after watching the Talented Mr. Ripley. Hollywood movies are made from Hollywood Money. The idea I have to make the movie industry in North Carolina revolves around a Golf Frisbee Golf Tournament where I would bring together Distributors Producers, Bankers, Writers and basically all the Above the Line people who so far have refused to actually live in this state.

Some University Presidents ought to get out there and thow frisbees with the young actors in their programs that will have to go to New York or LA if they want to work into their old age at what they are destined to do, but will fade to school time memories if they don’t leave when they have the energy that survives failure out of time and direction.

I had the only Writers Guild Agent in the State, or maybe I still have him, I really don’t know. I think I lost the guys number. Certainly he would be my agent if someone was trying to buy my script I imagine. But my point is that money makes movies and airplanes fly. You don’t have to rob the banks to make money in aviation and movies, you just have to have a fortune for the collaterial, a three picture deal and completion bond and somethings like that.

The brothers that owned or own Thomas Buses in High Point all had Cessna I80s and they would fly from Greensboro to the Mountains at one time of the year, and down to the beach at another. Since North Carolina has about the population of all of New York, to really produce synergistically a Soap Opera, some sort of long running ten year show that someone other than a complete unknown to me would watch, I think I’d be moving my characters around this state.

I’d also be using that video software program to achieve the motionpicture (film look).

When I worked on The Guiding Light I started thinking of Soap Operas. The talented people I know in North Carolina do not want to be famous so I sometimes think it is necessary to import them. The plane connections between New York and Wilmington, or LA and Asheville are not that great.

But my most bankable film in mind is then King of Dreams. It’s set in Toronto.King of Dreams is as autobiographical as Platoon since it is about Rochdale College which was another way to fight the VietNam War.

My understanding of Blood Meridian comes from the mercenaries I knew at Rochdale. Why they would make All the Pretty Horses, and not Blood Meridian is the same as why they would make Affliction, and not Continental Drift.(Continental Drift is about failed morality and wasted courage which is the legacy of America since the Viet Nam war. It is not all of the legacy, but the part that is destroying the heart of the nation. To make that movie would have been too much beyond therapy for Nick Nolte.)

Spacey got what he would have gotten since American Beauty captured a strain of the political conflict.

Set Storage space and the cost of transportation and assembly of Soap Opera sets is a significant expense for a Soap Opera, and it is an asset that could draw regular production to the state. This huge studio in Asheville would make it possible to leave main sets standing I’d have to get to know Andie McDowell better to write a great part for her. AnnaBeth Gish is someone who has worked here I’d like to write a part for.

All actors are extra people and I wonder if there are enough people in North Carolina to make it all worthwhile?

Russell Scott Day russellscottday@hotmail.com

It is a bit of a starting over now on the third day of Transcendia.org,
so that I am caused to restate what Transcendia is

My friend Bill reported that his son asked what Transcendia was and could only end up calling it Russellland.

Within the body of the writings from September 8th to now, viagra buy in The Refrigerator is the text of the Passport and other various positions and days of Theologoical Consult. In Transcendia.org at the beginning there has to be a Vision Statement, prostate like a Declaration of Independence, and a decription of the government and an application for the Passport of Transcendia, which is one thing that I have not exactly finished.

Transcendia, the company, the country and the work of art.


The Vision of Transcendia is an International Confederation of Airports with the expansionist goal of becoming a nation of airports and spaceports.

(Yesterday I drew dots on the World Map placemat I use for a mouse pad. The perfect place for an airport is by a deepwater port and major highways and rail service. An airport is unique in that it may succeed dispite its lousy geographic location if its culture is complete. Such is the sort of Spaceport possible. For instance there are towns in the world that are known simply for Universities. Once taxes or other profits are sufficient Transcendian airports will all maintain Transcendian Flight Schools.)

A pointed edit of Transcendian Letters in The Refrigerator will clarify Transcendia.org. and is being undertaken. As soon as I get the application finished for the passport, it will be possible to buy a Passport which is one thing that is about useless merely memorized or left in the computer.

So oddly enough I am charged now with creating a bureaucacy. I hope that the best bureaucrats will join Transcendia.

Russell Scott Day



Nancy Alex told me she heard a guy on the radio say that it was wasteful to have thousands of guys aimlessly cruising around in Ships for months.


When I go on the web looking for Seaplanes to obviate the need for Aircraft carriers, I don’t find anything acceptable.

Since there is no strategy that I know of that calls for seaplanes, it would imply that few modern designs have been developed.

For every invention, there is a place. Diminishment of the place for trains in our infrastructure, and our society and culture as a result erode the overall efficiency which impacts individual income and leads like an anchor no one seems to want to haul up.

Maybe that is not an elegant metaphor, but you can make it work.

At any rate having come from Sailors and Priests, I think Seaplanes superior to boats period.

Once I figured out that there weren’t many women out at sea, airplanes got much more attractive since still their operation demanded the same skills.

Seems like Boeing and Lockheed could use the work and I am convinced that transformational products are not necessarily new, but re-engineered when their niche reappears.

It would be a good thing if the new seaplanes ran on hydrogen stored in borax, but I don’t know if you can get the BTUs for heavy lifting of the folding portable oil rig type temporary stationary base that Transcendia would need out in some ocean areas.

Pray to God myself that I can come up with ideas that conform to the James method of thinking that allows for integrated thought. I try never to get to far from accepted truths.


Hence the I Ching and the Bible.

Recreation of the Cold War, in the guise of a War on Terrorism benefits the Corporate Cynics who feel fear and isolation from the poor they manipulate through ignorance and hypocrisy.

I’d rather say the root of evil is armed ignorance, because that is more forgivable. The root of evil is certitude and judgmental intolerance combined with self serving rationalizations.

The Sermon Brooks gave seemed bland when I first heard it, but it has set with me well. Keep moving through grief and awe and all. Mary Magdeline I think of as Lois Lane now after the sermon since she was like a journalist running around with important news that needed notice.

What is it that we are to love?

Are we to love within borders on this earth?

No matter or not whether or not we believe that God somehow changed the laws of physics and life so that Jesus could be resurrected, we know that he valued every soul, and that this is what we expect of the governments that we would volunteer for.

The Citizen is a secular name for a soul. In Transcendia, the victimless crime will not exist as justification for imprisonment or prosecution. The rule of the moral elitist is nothing but a propagandist manipulation to benefit international oil corporations.

These corporations I single out as examples of the worst, not saying that there are corporations ideologically in cultural conflict within the Capitalists.

When the Short Term Profiteers gain the upper hand over the long term Visionaries, we suffer. The Short Term Profiteers cripple the Company, rape it in the Short Term, destroying the Long Term potential. A current example is Enron.

But it is happening in the Space Program and other areas of our interwoven economies.

Weapons of Mass Destruction like the atomic bomb, as they become more acceptable, will make the short termers more vulnerable, and sorry for their philosophy along with the rest of us if they triumph now in this very very crucial time.

Low yield nuclear weapons lead down a very fatal path, is my personal opinion.

What is practical in the short term, is not always practical in the long term is the way I look at tactical nuclear weapons.

The only place I see for tactical nuclear weapons is in the destruction of Comets or Asteroids, and the steerage of them is likely the best solution.

I got to shoot my new pistol yesterday. It is a little Smith and Wesson 32 revolver, and it worked.

Love Russell

Russell Scott Day


Soon for Delete1/07

First day of the website for transcendia.org which is our wedding present. Alright it is not the first piece of wood that I have ever cut.

Carl is drunk on the country highway on his motorcycle.

Carl is going faster than hell with only a single headlight to see by. It is only the road he can see. The road goes somewhere but it is only a road.

Trade will make you angry as will work and some people don’t have any other skill but to refine theft.

Honestly we want to sell you our goods. You need a good robot but we haven’t made it yet.

The only concrete thing that Transcendia has made has been the theology of Transcendia. The I Ching is a sermon for the Bible reading for the day.

The Bible and the I Ching are together like the best fossils.

War is about women. War is about trade. Trade and women. But mostly if you win a war you get the women. In the case of divorce from place the equality of women in the pursuit of Godliness is paramount.

Women cannot be like men. For every emotional act that feels good and therefore permanent or worthwhile they are stuck with the payment.

Feelings are betrayed for men. Feelings in the swelled heart of satisfaction and full potato belly have drifted and crashed for men to hunger and humiliation and loss.

Women and Food make a town. A town to remember and visit write up for a tour book.

I listen to women priests and they speak well, but it is their detachment from work that puts their sermons too much in the head.

The authority of pain is in building. There is a lauded amnesia of birth.

What choice do you have? Build a baby that is your own mind.

Build a perfect mind and you might get mine.

Your mind at thirteen and mine at thirteen full of the inspirations cherished and the realities acknowledged. It was perfect on the edge of innocence and corruption.

Take your heart out of your chest and hold it in your hand and look at it.

The greatest fun is to live in truth to the hand and the heart. You have enemies and it will be fun to figure them out. It will be fun to make them your friends.