Working Class Corner

Transcendian Money by Dave Ripton

Dave Ripton a poet friend of mine, editor of early Transcendian Television, designed this bill of money, some currency I never invented till long after the design on paper that looked like a 1000, of something. The design of the Insurodollar meant I could use his contribution to Transcendia based on something real and useful in the world.

In other words now it is within sight that the currency would be understood and acceptable in and out of the country. Superior in its nationalistic inspiration of loyalty. It is also if accepted by other nations as a way they can themselves free themselves from the Petrodollar creating cross border class unification.

Again: The insurodollar acknowledges the human capital of the individual and that, that is combined in the citizens of that nation. The Greeks talked of a currency based on future tax value.

Here we are getting close to human capital currency, but without the component that would inspire loyalty to Greece. There exists a quandary concerning a modern nations individual earning powers. Unless they individually or as crews and companies can travel unimpeded anywhere where their skills are best paid, their earnings are diminished.

To be viewed as a Future Tax Credit hardly even sounds right, and wouldn’t necessarily inspire in one much loyalty. Because the Insurodollar is but the currency reflecting and embodiment of an overall system of values insuring as much as will be possible a great life of childhood, maturity, and old age, the life, the whole life.

Ironic to my ex-wife would be all that would even make it so that while I failed to become a NYLife Insurance Agent and had to cash in my policy 27 or so years ago, I would use the lessons to complete the most fearful thing a man can create, a nation.

In so far as I have not given up my US Citizenship by taking up arms against it as did so many Confederates immortalized in all the town squares of the South, I am obliged to offer what I know to my primary allegiance, and Intend to run for US Senate representing North Carolina in the Union, and for the principles of the Union, and not the principles of the C.S.A. so much currently in ascendancy.

There we thirty years gone by. As labor all one could do was move and move in industry after another from place to place till there was no more endurance for all that entails and become committed to where one is likely to die.

They were saying in a VICE show about the art business that the evidence of the idea was what was selling for big money. Transcendia is the ultimate of art works. There are contributions to the work that all can make. Games are now this video art that the player can alter like as if they could crawl up on Shakespeare’s stage.

Combat has come to look like the game. There were always toy soldiers. The modern set must have atomic weapons in the box.

I have to love the US for letting me get this far.

The reputation of the North, and the reputation of the South have both worked against me. Even working for the Union as a cardholding refugee after the Labor article in Reel Carolina it was the expectation that as a Southerner I was a stupid or hateful character. You wonder where the real USA is if you travel the states of the East Coast sometimes. By the time I was done I was for some more completed Federalization.

When I arrived in Florida I had a pickup and a motorcycle. By the time I left I had a blue bicycle, which I’d been egged while riding for becoming a poor person and hence a target. Federalized automobile registrations and tags would be fine with me. However it is the FAA nationally does it with airplanes would be preferable. I never remember driving a car in NYC. It was either the Grip Truck or my motorcycle.

I was not trapped.

A trapped army must surrender or be annihilated, and sometimes the events happen in succession. Those who slaughter their prisoners are less likely to get any mercy. Losing is a haunt.

I used to have Shites and the Sunni straight but am again getting confused. It is nice that the Kurds are more distinct, or and distinctly named, with some understandable nationalistic impulse of their own.

If the Armed Forces of the US are to be doing anything over there it cannot be anything but finding and destroying nuclear weapons or any other of the kill game weapons of mass destruction.

That was the whole justification not there but since not there, created.

The local paper is slim with Tammy Grubb overworked reporting on land grabs and designs. If it isn’t a solar farm to support the last acres of the old, it is the hatred of the sight of a cell tower to cause the neighbors to lose money.

The fact that people can keep others all around all the time from making money by becoming supporters of new power infrastructures and communications for their view, certainly keeps me from wanting to see these people close up.





Presidential Candidates and Bill Clinton and the Agriculture Director were in the FB Feed I used for my radio show on youtube. (I’m going to shave and get a nicer shirt, Tee Shirt because it is simply hot as hell on the deck.) I am so ugly now it is bad camera and better radio.

Stupid and fat Christie now says he would crack down on states that have legalized marijuana. I ought move to one but agree it is a Federal responsibility now to end the War on Drugs, or the Make Hate War.

Anyone who is for continuation of the Drug War in the US Mexico and Canada needs to be voted out of office. No one of the sort ought be in any office. The police that don’t join Police against Prohibition need to be voted out.

Everybody must vote in the next election for it is the only way that we can come to love our nation again.

The Love Problem

Photo on 3-5-13 at 4.08 PM 2

I haven’t really loved the United States for a long time I feel like. “The Thrill is Gone” is well like it. I was revived in my feelings about the US when Carter was elected. I made the movie documentary “The Common Fool’s Trip to the Inauguration”. Of movies I’ve made it is the one I have rewatched the most, and I recently sent it to the DNC youtube television channel hoping they would put it in the lineup.

You can find it in the 160 video clips, videos and movies put on Transcendian, my youtube channel.

In the US, in my travels that continued in my life up until I was 49, and I moved to Chapel Hill, Carrboro, got married, and have hardly been out of town since there were extreme ups and downs. The years immediately after my business failed in NYC were miserable. By the time I was resettled to NC after a year in Florida, after 6 months in Rochester again, I first accounted a year that showed 6,000 dollars.

That year in Florida was a whopper. I got sick and I got arrested and was egged on the road while riding a bicycle. Sure there is no income tax, but it costs 425 to register your car. It did. It was a surprise. I finally just sold the truck and it was only the motorcycle which blew the engine right on time. The engines were known to go at 12,000 miles for those old 450 Hondas.

I got arrested for doing what was legal for a cop on a motorcycle, but not for me as a “civilian”. By then and when done I was for the registering and all regs and laws that would apply to ground transport motor vehicles to be made a national system as is the FAA system that governs aircraft.

How can the poor find any great reasons to love the US? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid are something to inspire a bit of loyalty. You have a record. You had better make a good wage though, or you won’t get so much. There was evidence I was worth something for becoming skilled enough that the Union wanted me. I could afford the NYC card, but got a card in NC as a charter member of the Local 491. There was no way to survive for someone like me other than as a union member.

It is an International. The Locals compete. Any Right Wing ideologue ought like that, though they talk a lot about loving the nation. It might be a surprise that in the International NC lost first most to Canadians.

Transcendia has failed as I have been forced to get old and run out of time and there was no money getting better in it. The aviation industry wages for the job I loved doing on airports forced me off as well as the institution of piss testing after traces of pot in your fatty tissues. I moved to jobs where I wasn’t subject to coerced evidence of the use of pot.

Hiding out in the nation that was what the US had become was more like it. How can you love a nation that is at war after you set up to take your freedom when you are out dodging the police for all the little crimes of poverty or non conformity as Hoover’s murderous FBI was, and was a legacy system set in stone that the Feds kept going poisoning users, and now at a fatality rate yearly on the borders of 10 to 14 thousand a year?

“Love It Or Leave It.”

What do they call my generation? What were the dreams of Woodstock Nation? They were to just get away from it all. The dream of my generation was to go out in the country and live off grid and just stay out of the way of the rest of the nation.

There was no way for the rational man and woman of my generation to love much beyond whatever was in sight.

I decided to really get involved in politics, beyond the writing. I have decided to announce an intention to run for US Senate. My job in the world is to prevent Apocalyptic Riot. I can work at making the US a nation to be worthy of love by its citizens again from a US Senate seat.

First I have to find reasons to love it, my nation, as it is, now. You tell me what it is that makes you love the US?

I lived in Canada where there is more media censorship along with self censorship, which matters when you are writing for a TV program. So Canada as great as it is, this small little nation if you count people does not inspire love in me because of that free speech being less than in the US.

The biggest reason for me to love the US, as it is, is the strong tradition of free speech. I can work from that to revive that love lost.

Working Class Corner

Russell Scott Day in Sub Captain Uniform given to me by a supporter.

Russell Scott Day in Sub Captain Uniform given to me by a supporter.

Ironically one of my Transcendia supporters sent me the Ukrainian Sub Captains Uniform before the Separatist Russian war with the Nationalists. I do like the coat, but feel pretentious in the hat. It does make you stand a certain way so you do not look stupid. I put a Transcendian Flag badge on the coat and wore it for the Art by the Founder of Transcendia Carrboro Century Center show of January and February. I am influenced by Paul Fussell and his book Uniforms. Political leadership does call for a set of uniforms and I am grateful to my wife for my ceremonial sword. I have come to think that the police may well get themselves some swords to deal with the knife wielding attackers. It would be something between the pistol and with the added length appropriate for defense against a short knife. There is a photo in my future. I have not been photographed wearing my pistol and the Swoard, as I say it.
My daily uniform is the blue jeans, white shirt, boots and suspenders, though I’ve not worn boots in years for physical diminishment reasons.
Lets not worry about footwear then.
Some of my point going forward is that I did have supporters amongst engineers on the website CR4. I was crushed as I got more powerful by the fearful and childish administration. I did need the support of the engineers there, but it has faded away.
In my proposed run for the US Senate I am looking to NC State and A & T, which are the NC schools of engineering and science. As I have had the unique ability to speak for pilots, not being threatened with job loss for stepping on the toes of the more powerful, I sense now that the engineering community could use my help the say way.

Being old, retired, disabled has some advantages I see. I might well say I am a cripple. I joked that since all I contribute is my Social Security I am already working only for the government. If actually paid 370 thousand a year I’d have the money to hire aides employed specifically to help me take my medicines and appear in committee and for votes. Whatever supporters I might gain for my views and abilities, along with this vast working experience can take this into account. Do they want to see me get the paycheck to really be beholden to them, or to some person who can retreat to bigger money as a lobbyist or attorney consultant?

Town Hall Precinct has achieved two victories in that the news and info distribution boxes I made for flyers and other Voter Information have found places. One was set at Hargraves Community Center, and the other at the Looking Glass Coffeeshop. The Democratic Precinct Town Hall will need help having even these filled.

I will do all I can to have important news put into these wooden racks made from really fine scraps. I am flush right now. If you are part of the precinct and need some usable pieces of Plywood, I’ll share.

I turned on the TV and there was on there Rev. Barber explaining the changes wrought in NC on voting rights. “We just corrected the calendar.” is the standout quote out of McCrory’s mouth. It is the sort of thinking of ignorant old european potentates. What is that guy, that put people on stakes on the Roman path to his castle? Sometimes they name the months after themselves and their dogs.

I am glad that I became the Vice Chair for the Town Hall Precinct. The main work is just making sure everybody who is a citizen of voting age can vote when the laws take effect in 2016.

The November 3rd Election for Aldermen, and the Mayor, an election not much cared about as if all is peachy and the tax money is being properly spent, and the housing crisis allowed to be created by the Chapel Hill administration is being confronted and overcome.

Remember I got angry about it all intellectually when pointing to solutions sound according to technology, bank numbers meaning money, and the “best practices”. So many Town Managers are also PCEs, Public Civil Engineers, I was under the impression it was a job requirement. I don’t at all get the impression the locals in government think much of asking for the engineering reports. To solve the crisis they hired an bureaucrat who I mentioned seemed to be there to follow Dave Andrews around like a puppy.

Whether it is from lassitude or design, it sure does seem that the zoning acts like red lining. But I’ve mentioned these things before.

I don’t have much time to finish my work so I am going to attempt to run for US Senate and will continue to try and put into words these stories of how power is used in relation to things that will matter in your daily life now and later. I’d support someone who might agree that there are some different things to do, if not different systems to put in place for getting things done.

We are a bit out from the November election. I hope to learn who to support and who not to support. I want to see isolation from the world that is out there possible and therefore support the buffer areas being able to provide food locally.

I’d like to see the steel frame urban farm down the hill South GSO to Smith Level where are the broken roof warehouses. Food and water and shelter are the daily needs. There is possibility of nuclear fallout from events we need to prevent happening out there in the world. This summer had some big signs of possibly ending in nuclear war in Central Europe. It may be gone for it appears the loss of any credible reason for NATO to really support the Ukrainian resistance. There is another meeting with US hopes to keep in place sanctions.

Sanctions are economic warfare that can lead to real war.

You’ll not get much chance to influence this set of threats to the air. Depending on what level the nuclear war might go to there may or may not be need of three weeks under earth and concrete protection. It is not insane to have Civil Defense shelters restocked and the signs polished.

I believe that it was Norway even sent 10 fighters up to around Poland. Russians have been doing well with Hybrid War. However if Article 5 is challenged by them a bigger war is well in the realm of possibility.

So my job has been to work at preventing the Apocalyptic Riot and I’d do better at the US Senate with my viewpoints.

I feel bad about those model nations with the dress up posing. Still I like the uniform my supporter sent. I am going to have to get more impressive stationary for mail sent to powerful people like Ban Ki Moon. I feel bad about the image of the nut as one doing this self aggrandizing foolishness. Still they are doing what I called for myself a work of conceptual art.

I have in the past used it for comedy, so what is my problem? It would be good and is possible that Transcendia could collect them as supporters. Erwin Strauss wrote me a letter saying Transcendia was the most realistic of all model nations he had studied. I had significant influence with Andre` Lewin, former UN Undersecretary of the UN and author of the Points for Reinvention of the UN.

I am aware that in the status of a Working Class guy, I am going to be laughed at for trying to rise above my place. However you must attempt now the same with me. The whole point now is that honorable working class citizens have too much abandoned the field to the supposed nobles who turn out over and over to have become corrupt. We depend on them to stop corruption in its tracks before it becomes entrenched.

The DOJ has failed us for not using its power that obviously for many now serving time for frauds and theft of property know is capable of stopping whatever it was they were doing to amass fortunes. Sociopaths and psychopaths won’t stop till forced to stop by being put in prison. Meeting corruption with tolerance and admiration and love as if this was some hippie community issue does not work out.

The Transcendia studies have prepared me well for governance. What I have to worry about is my emotional wellbeing as it might be damaged in face to face conflicts. My stomach gets upset. I will be better off if I don’t go off towards the fight alone. Neither will you.

The plan for my run for US Senate is for me to use youtube. I would perform better with a crew to watch me. I noted that in Wilmington many of the grips and electrics were disrespectful of the “talent”. Sometimes it is called “fresh meat” in the case of commercials and the method actors crying in the corner are sources of amusement.

It is a more meaningful thing that a performer will say if they say, “You’ve been a great audience.” Theater, Film, and TV are like that. I so much encouraged Meyer and Foushee and Insko to use youtube that I was forced like a heckler to take on the run I am announced for.

TV land is the battlefield. youtube is the fringe of the big TV Land battleground. If I continue to improve the videos and repeat my goals often, then with your help, It Is Possible for me to win. I can appeal to the rural parts of the state by pointing to the money they could make if they employed the North Carolina State tech.

Energy is important since without an excess you cannot afford a civilization. I see the Saudi attack on Yemen as for them an exercise meant to give them confidence about their armed forces. The petrodollar deal that makes the US currency a reserve currency depends on them to reciprocate in fossil fuel pricing while protected from Israel by the US.

At one point I advocated for better relations with the Carrboro Sister City in Russia. I also advocated for the perfect resolution of the Cold War as Statehood for Russia. I do not know if capitalism can be made to work with Russians. Our US capitalism has been drug down by our US looting of the USSR as things have gone. There are certainly States of the Union that drag the US down.

Let us not continue to see North Carolina as a drag on the Union. It is corny but true for me to say I will need your help.

One Not to Vote For

When I last voted in a local election I wasn’t sure what sheriff to vote for and voted in ignorance for Charles Blackwood.
I saw him on Linked In and since I have only been able to get together with police over guns I asked him where the shooting range was.
He replied it was some nice family business called Handgunners out far from where I live. I may go looking for someone with vast land holdings that I knew in Eli Whitney.
I was wondering where the police practiced and was told that the police use a video game sort of system. I’d like to film that.

I ended up with Lt. Stroud over my most local questions about the local police sense of mission. It appears to me that officers may be preying on the poor who are constantly committing crimes of poverty. Food rent and the car all have to be paid, and it is such things as inspections that may well be put to the back burner as the poor attempt to navigate through there lives and restricted options.

When I went to a motorcycle in an attempt to keep my expenses low and still get around independently I was older and had no friends to help me with the motorcycle endorsement for my license. I was riding on my Learners Permit. When part of the muffler fell out one night the NY Highway Patrol caught me looking for it and wrote me tickets that caused me to break down in tears for what it was going to cost to get it all corrected. At the time I was just allowed to live in a friends attic and had been showing for work at the temp agency there in Rochester NY to work some poverty wage jobs.

Notable was the ham wrapping, cold ham sorting sending place for minimum wage. I was cold all the time that way. I’d ride the bike through snow and slush to the meet freezer and work there to attempt to find anything else, always cold and sorry and beaten by all the poverty.

The major employer for Rochester Ny is now the U of R, which has good government research contracts aside from image city training and other department discipline contracts. It seems ironic for the commonality of the ivory tower power realities of the new medieval age. I think 60 thousand people lost their Kodak jobs.

Chapel Hill NC beat the U of R as a medieval power of the University systems by 2 and a half centuries. Over and during my lifetime whatever skills I learned in the working class world lost to the certified or connected. My life is essentially over though I still live thanks to some titanium and the work of three surgeons.

Looks like I’ll have to go to Hillsborough and make a losing case in the courts there. I wonder if I’ll get stopped over there now, for being a stranger in town. In Carrboro it is the policing policy to stop strangers. I read so in the papers. I thought you really had to provide some other reason for the police to interfere with your private day.

I was caused to think of this all because I was curious about the outcome for Dylan Perry who got caught for growing some marijuana. At 450 thousand dollars for bail, you’d think they thought every one of the 956 plants they got was worth a million each. This bullshit of the misdemeanor for some low quantity and a major felony for growing or distributing marijuana is stupid.

I feel really sorry for the young man who will likely losing everything he has and be made poor for the rest of his life. Since the report of his arrest and the application of the huge bond there is no more news of him. I hope he is out somehow. Next to the loss of your life the loss of your freedom is what the government gets to take. It is miserable. I wrote this following Resoultion I wanted the Democratic Party to adopt:

Resolution to Release from Prison Marijuana Offenders
Whereas no one dies from the use of marijuana.
Whereas the reason marijuana is illegal is to make subject to arrest and incarceration citizens who live a different lifestyle, and oppress the poor.
Whereas there is no other reason the folkway of marijuana is illegal at all, than to keep a segment of the society poor.
Whereas all incarcerated solely for the growing and or distribute of marijuana are for all intents and purposes: Political Prisoners.
Be it resolved to support the immediate pardon and release of such individuals from all State Prisons.

For those in prison these days for these reasons I do imagine a visitors organization that regularly visits them.

Charles Blackwood has no intention whatsoever of joining with the Police Against Prohibition. As Vice Chair of the Carrboro Democrats Town Hall Precinct I will work to prevent ignorance of the voter. I apologize to all for my own transgressions when guessing in the voting booth. I knew not to vote for Hagan who was so bipartisan and energy engineering ignorant she was too much a gag vote which caused me to write my name in and now led to my nascent poor campaign. Far as Foushee her anti airport position, something for the flax skirt crowd who don’t have to worry after opportunities for work outside of the Ivory Tower walls diminishes whatever progressive educational positions she may work for.

Graig Meyer and Verla Insko are outnumbered so that the next election cycle is one of importance however far good government is possible in NC.
Pay attention to what is in NC Politics and what little you might get out of the papers. I’ll report or think out loud here, or on Transcendian my youtube channel. Thanks RSD

Takes care of itself

Wall Sculpture

Working Class Corner

Poor Man's Car StoriesRich persons garage,Looks nice, Quaint,I am too poor for this

Well this is related to the Citation I got for driving a car without a current inspection sticker and paying of some taxes.

I didn’t know I didn’t have a current sticker, and you can refer to the Trolling Officer Succeeds post for that part of the story. I went to the place in the picture that used to be Chapel Hill Tire. Everything in sight is being purchased as if EV Grieve of the East Village blog and I are experiencing the same world events.

When I went out of the house to talk for Modular buildings, and a factory at IGX Horace Williams to convert shipping containers and then graduate to folding homes and workspaces as following Habitafex up in Quebec. It was to me a win win sort of enterprise for the land here is so expensive you need to put the package together so to keep the mortgage payment down at the bank and bring in lower rents than otherwise possible, I think my wife dropped me from the Camry.

Camry’s are great cars and the inspection was still failed and they want 13 hundred dollars to fix it and pass it. I had no earthly idea this great old car was in such horrible horrible shape. It was made in 1995. They say the tires are dry rotted. I’m thinking that if we simply got new tires and kept at the leaks it would go safely down the road.

Since 2012 I have been in and out of the hospital getting a spinal cord protection dam put in my neck so I wouldn’t be paralyzed. Then there was the two times on the right hip operation that slowed all down because of that MERSA infection that led to near death and hospital psychosis which is a dirty mental experience unlike any other.

If there are any strangers for me to visit it is the ones gone insane from infection. Dr. Shahum and Dr. Keating, and Dr. Delgazo have saved my life and Dr. Lawrence put a couple of eyes in and then there was Liz Dreeson that saved me once. I was dying then of this gut wrap from the covering.

Those are just the dying notes.

I’d worked at Sids after being out of work as a carpenter, not able really to do much physically and at Halloween sitting and watching while in such intense pain I was the Halloween fright to see there in the chair in the dim light of the cold October.

Finally some help came through from form filing at the time the bones ground together bone on bone. Put in the nursing home in Greensboro long away for all and with sweet thieves and incompetents I had been pushed out of the UNC hospital when so constipated that when it happened there was a crowd of at least 5 standing and watching the horror of my delivery.

The point being that I wasn’t driving much. Then I broke my leg after the second hip was going well. Along there while recovering from the second hip replacement, and right happy to walk at all, I had to take the car to the Good Old Boys under wife and mother in law orders. Somehow the drivers window was broken.

I’d taken the door apart to figure out if I could get it in a track, but it was the motor, so I needed a motor. Arriving there at the garage I apologized for starting the work and asked the “Good Ole Boy” to come and look where I was at.

I understand mechanics. I did a good deal of that sort of work with big old airplanes and was good enough to think of an A&P test. (A & P is airframe and Powerplant.) The old good old boy said they had it under control. I’d left the screws and parts out in a tray box.

When we got the car back I had to use some gaff tape to hold the window controls in the door arm rest where they put that stuff. I called back to complain. I was cursed for fucking it all up and bringing it in by the mechanic that I thanked for not throwing the parts away.

“At least you left the parts.”

If that guy had got off his fat ass and looked at what I needed to actually show him, there would have been no problem. I wrote them a letter telling them they obviously didn’t like their job.

It is so that I really don’t like to go out of the house hardly. I have written awhile ago about the insulting manner in which I was told by David Andrews that the “Town Would Never Work With Me over anything.” I’d run for mayor to fire him since I’d not been treated that way since in high school in Greensboro when I was barred from the graduation ceremony.

I’d been on Student Council and made Honor Roll, so it wasn’t like I was some low life malinger that needed to be somehow shamed over anything. That was when we were fighting paying for the first time for our diplomas. I was the last holdout of the Council, though I had rented the gown. Clendenin at Page had blackmailed a guy who was protecting the teacher he was sleeping with into ratting out his pot smoking friends. He killed himself after being ostracized in his teacher lovers yard with a hose of exhaust to the interior of the car.

If he knew about me and the Art of Film teacher he had no proof. I was good at being undercover from an early age, though I talk at getting things done. Pot is still used to ruin the dissenters lives. I am sad I voted for Sheriff Charles Blackwood. So far he has no intention of joining Police for the End of Prohibition. I can’t transfer the Resolution I wrote for that sort of political prisoner reality of growers and dealers who are denied the freedom to grow a good cash crop on their small properties by the NC government and the Feds.

I must read the Dylan Perry Resolution on my Transcendian TV youtube channel. I am saying that the only sane battlefield for the revolutionary now is TV Land. I recommend you claim territory there. The revolution Will be Televised.

So the ticket that CM Ferraro gave me has led to graver and graver economic difficulties when every cent does have a predetermined place. Since I am physically ruined with little time in the day when I am near normal. I say I aim to get back to half the man I was. This is what being poor is really about.

Divide by Matt Taibbi captures it well. Lt. Stroud is supposed to look at the record of tickets C.M. Ferraro wrote hanging around the Food Lion parking lot. I ought have gone to Harris Teeter where there are fewer poor people.

My mother in law and my wife like the Good ole Boys and my wife took her car to that same garage for her cars inspection. Both of them are hers. I didn’t want anything more to do with them. She was hanging back due to emotional distress over the “firing”, as I wanted another mechanic set go.

It is not wise for me to think even that I could get around on a scooter all the time anymore. I want an electric motor and batteries to make an electric scooter and thought of getting a trolling motor and variable speed control for a belt drive scotter. I’d put some gears or and a flywheel where the propeller goes and get the scooter geared at least to go up the local hills.

I immediately thought of yanking the good motor out and selling it. I of course love old mechanisms. I’ve tried to make a carbon phone and it is harder than it looks.

I have the perfect profile of a working class independent experienced scholar and poet, warrior poet you want in the US Senate now. I would protect the engineers of the nation and get them the money to switch the US to Renewable Energy from hogs, chickens and the ocean tides.

I’d ask for cowlings on windmills that are popping the eardrums of bats, and killing birds.

I’d make sure that the AIG or what other Insurance Companies do not insure crap financial instruments like Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps that put the US in the position of being the reinsurers of them that was supposed to do the job.

You must decide what world order you will back. Will you accept that you actually need to be a clear eyed nationalist, or will you become a corporatitist. Corporatist. The signs of this endgame have appeared in the TPP. What is it with Democratic Presidents that start out speaking of the little guy or ethical justice and peace, and then do more harm to us at the ending of their administrations?

Wilson, seems like Wilson started it and Roosevelt signed on to go against the Communists of China when Check Kang Ki Sheck? the Chinese Nationalists were so corrupt the people had had it? I don’t want to get into the Zionism and its results as all that was warned. I want to see if the Israelis and the Palestinians might skew the Insurodollar and insure one and another to disincentivise the killings of innocents.

It would be fair. Overwhelming independent Gendarmes are also required. GAZA needs to be allowed to work. People need their ports.

Well it looks like there will be some lesser chance of what this summer in Ukraine. Russia is reported by IHS to want land access down through the Ukraine to the sea to not need to jog around through to the Crimea. Summer is the season for love and war.

I am only good from the neck up. I got maybe at the hopeful to 76 when people like me die. Poor Buzz & Stories from Warnings for my Daughter is a good book like Profiles in Courage, only different from me. My politicians book and this is my newspaper. Politicians have to do and have certain things.

Great leaders call on engineers to get the things necessary done. If put in the Senate I’d do all I could to get them to be allowed to lead us out of the difficulties we face.

Energy my friends, as surplus of energy must be given us to allow for a just and wonderful Civilization. Drilling isn’t the answer anymore. Solar, is everywhere to be used. The oceans at 8 pounds a gallon moving in and out can generate massive amounts of electricity. The complaints that distribution costs money are just bullshit aimed to keep the monkey’s hand in the monkey jar.

Okay, I need to do some other things.

At Here. Vice Chair Town Hall Precinct

It Can Now Take Up to A year and a Half - Version 4It is June 3 2015. 6 more months and we will be in a new era of stricter identification requirements to enable you to vote. As well the period when you may vote is restricted from what it was. “We only corrected the calendar.” Was what the Republican Governor Pat McCrory said about that.

Because North Carolina is an important state to focus on by outside forces such as the Kochs the machinations are intended to make sure voters of the state help cause the election of a Republican president.

I see a commercial that is played very often here on my TV extolling the Petro Industry drilling and Fracking. Fracking is said on the commercial to be safe. Lying is considered legal free speech.

The legislature of NC is Republican controlled and has been loading the government with a plethora of Right Wing Bills. Renewable energy is the path to a secure energy future. In this case Government subsidization that helps push the energy industry in that direction is required.

The Legislature may be ignorant of the great engineering done by the State University. NC State is where my paths of thought have constantly led me, not the UNC-CH. In Carrboro where I am fortunate to have lived for enough years to not be certain to count properly has rejected the idea of working with me on anything.

I do intend to fight it out. Einstein helps for he said, “You cannot go wrong if your goals are correct.” My goals are to help create good paying jobs that the working classes prefer to do.

Buddha says that one must accept that some things are not for you. Some of us actually like to work outdoors, or operating heavy machinery. There are people who felt their destiny was to fight fires. So locally I seek to advance the availability of fair housing for working class people who typically in the private sector have not gotten raises for 30 years.

This makes a difference when the Hegemon of the County hires Labor. The University by law is not to lead in pay for locally comparable labor by lawful regulations. It can compete internationally for the teachers and researchers it needs for a first class educational experience.

Most all of the philosophical conflicts regarding power, and how it is used are revealed in the University Management of the Local Community Airport. The most dramatic and pivotal revelation came to me when I asked that art be shown and sold at the Local Community Airport. The reasons showing and selling at your airport are obvious to me.

“The University would not allow that because someone would make money.”

The powers of the state of North Carolina for a long long time have been very comfortable with deciding who makes money and who doesn’t. Governors like to say that labor and goods are cheap in North Carolina.

Everytime I hear that sort of image export I feel sold out. 25 percent of the people of North Carolina are living in poverty. This is regardless of the employment figures.

If the governments of the State, from gown to town, and out into the county, on the state and then federal level were protecting and aiding the entire range of citizenry that makes North Carolina strong and just, we would not need to fight about it.

It is not the case, and we need to fight.

How and where do you fight for just treatment of those unjustly treated? Fighting is not fun if you have been beaten up, stabbed, or shot. It is a meaningful word to me.

There are enemies that just say bad things about you, and then there are people that make you lose money, and then those that stab and shot you.

Real enemies make you lose money, have the police beat you for striking or assembling, whereas luxury enemies just say things.

Early in the counter culture wars and generation gap some made the battlefield bombing and robbing banks. They were nullified, imprisoned, or killed.

The only sane battlefield now for the old revolutionary is TV Land. I did write the Resolution that encouraged our representatives of the Democratic Party to make more use of youtube. It is a fringe and flank on the TV Land battlefield.

I make use of it, youtube, as Transcendian. Since I had been so passionate about bugging Meyer, Insko, and Foushee to get them to make political reports and tell to cameras what they were doing, I decided to run for the office I want the most.

On my channel Transcendian I announced my intent to run for the US Senate. I admit I could do better far as TV episodes are concerned. It is a good thing I am starting now. I could have and must fix up the background and pump up into the charisma realm of performance, but my basic aims are presented, and I look pretty good, like it was a good hair day at least.

This is my report to go in the boxes for Democratic Town Hall Precinct Aids to the Voter. I doubt we will be able to constantly keep this box full, since ink and paper and time are dear.

It would be nice if those who have accepted to allow this rack of wood on their property tried a little to print again from here, or and from other websites writings and posters intended to go to the magnet and refrigerator, and put them in the wooden rack of Town Hall Precinct.

You can independently put important political news on paper you might feel appropriate in the box.

The Town Hall Precinct needs more manpower. I think it would be good for us to make another youtube channel and put on it battle videos in the struggle for justice, pragmatic alternatives to the misguided paths so man tread towards doom and despair with a sickening apocalyptic glee.

I’ll add to this a poster with an office phone number.

Meantime I’ll post here and to the Transcendian channel.

Town Hall Carrboro Poster

local election poster

I Have Announced a bid for US Senate

I wrote the Resolution encouraging our North Carolina Orange County Democrats to use youtube more.
I say that the sane battlefield for the old revolutionaries, such as myself, is the battlefield that is TV Land.
It is a fantastic gift to the mental landscape that I can potentially reach so many people for so little.
I have to admit I have done comedy along with serious stuff on the Transcendian youtube television channel. Someone somewhere will be able to watch my youtube videos on some big screen.
I’ll work up to Charisma!
I can do it all as I have in the past reached the heights of performance perfection.
Once I began trying to get Greg Meyer, Valerie Foushee and Verla Insko to make video for the Democratic Party Channel I began to actually do more lighting. I did look good and say all along important things, but now all is coming together in my mind well enough to enter battle.
Energy and the basis of currency will dominate my efforts.
The offer of the Insurodollar as a companion currency at the least working with the petrodollar is my aim. The petrodollar will eventually die out.
Working by getting bills passed to end the Make Hate War, which is what the Drug War is is another important change to make happen.

Labor poster

Labor 8.5 by 11 handbill poster.

Tune to Transcendian to see the opening announcement.

TV Land As the Sane Battlefield for the Progressives Fight

The name of the Communications Director for the DNC is Mo Ellethee. I called the DNC offices again and this time asked for him specifically. Walter, who has a terrible phone said he would pass on my request.
This has been going on for awhile now.

Youtube is the cheapest TV Land to use to keep up and get ahead. TV Land is the battlefield where the Fight is to be conducted. Either you win in TV land, or you lose.

I did write the Resolution that the Resolutions Committee passed. I did write for it a system. I did expect support from higher ups from myself the Vice Chair of one Precinct.

Once the Resolution was passed it was of a sudden going off after Instagram! This is all I heard. Above me there was no support for the Insurodollar Resolution I wrote.

Above me the Resolution to make greater use of youtube and social media that was passed in some form with some vestiges of the system for submitting and vetting dependent on cooperation from the DNC, was said to be “unnecessary”.
I’d gotten that note after crashing the Resolutions Committee Meeting, writing the Resolution then and there in short form without a system in place, that was passed in Committee.

Now since communications about this all are as was done to me regarding the idea of moving the Local Community Airport to the Landfill look to be of the same cloth.

In that case there were decisions made in secret.

The people are regarded as anti airport and therefore to get around them all plans and like that, as someone from Maine might say, are done secretly, increasing distrust of all involved or affected.

Democracy itself is disliked. Explaining why Orange County needs its own airport is too much effort.

In the case of my resolution I determined as Vice Chair of my Precinct to get for my Precinct a relationship that would allow me to fulfill my envisioned way to fight on the battlefield that matters.

I am going to take it as a given that whatever support I get will be hard won. I expect no support from the County Chair at this point.

If I had any I might recommend them to the Legislator Meyer, since they have some sense of Parliamentary procedures and it appears that Meyer ought have moved for an appeal to the call of Out of Order by the Speaker.

At any rate the number for the DNC is 202-863-8000, and Mo Ellethee is the Communications Director.

For those that care to fight on the battlefield that is the only sane one available, I highly suggest getting video put on the Democratic Youtube channel.

The easiest way to do that is to make a channel and share to the Communications Director and the Communications department from there. If you think it is better or easier to try and share video using One Drive to compress the video so it can be mailed, then that can be done, but it is a step away from the battlefield.

Democratic Precinct work

Voting Info.

New Transcendian & 23thousandSpams

Bird on the Deck

Deck Bird

Sometimes I do get email comments. I expect that some of the spams were legitimate good messages. I am to be found on FB as me as Russell Scott Day. The Founder of Transcendia page is not as good as it was when they started it. I don’t know if you can now even pay to make it that way.

Transcendian is my youtube channel and I of course want watchers. The Red sidewalk runway for Urban Fashion Pictures Daily is presented where the Exhale sculpture is. It is West Franklin and McMasters. I see girls and guys that dress nice and imagine them having a particular background an expectation of being photographed in their favorite fashions. I’d wanted to paint the sidewalk red and give them a back wall for which the corner of East Franklin and Columbia on the Ackland side would be a place some of the sidewalk could be painted blue, as a Fashion show stop in Chapel Hill.

I wrote notes about the bird with the photo. It is good news that the birds were not killed by the cat.